Almost everyone will experience back pain at some point, but persistent joint and nerve pain accompanied by stiffness and disability is something you have to endure without medical help. Fortunately, most patients respond well to non-surgical treatments to manage facet syndrome or spondylosis.
To understand facet syndrome, it helps to know more about your spinal anatomy. The facet joints help stabilize the spinal column/vertebrae and prevent excessive movement. These joints may become inflamed from arthritis, injury, or normal wear and tear over the years. Depending on the location of the damage to the spine’s stabilizing joints, symptoms vary. When the damaged facet joints are in the cervical (upper) spine, you may feel neck and upper back pain accompanied by headaches and a limited range of motion of the head and neck. If your damage is to the lumbar (lower) spine, you may notice pain in the lower back, buttocks, or legs.
Additional facet syndrome symptoms may include:
American Pain Consortium recommends conservative treatments for facet syndrome such as rest, heat, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medication. If pain persists, we may recommend a procedure called radiofrequency rhizotomy (also called radiofrequency ablation), in which a needle-like device is used to cauterize a nerve that’s causing joint pain.
Most people develop spondylosis with age from natural wear and tear on the spine. Some people may be more likely to develop spondylosis, like if they have a family history of spinal disorders or have sustained certain injuries in the past. This condition typically refers to degenerative arthritis or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal column), but may also include degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, bulging discs, pinched nerves, and sacroiliitis. While it may not cause pain in some people, others experience significant pain and disability. The most common symptoms are neck pain and stiffness or low back pain, but radiating nerve pain may also occur if bone spurs form along the spine.
Our team at American Pain Consortium uses a variety of diagnostic tests to determine the underlying causes of back and neck pain so we can develop an effective individualized treatment plan. Depending on the specific conditions, treatment for spondylosis may include physical therapy, nutrition counseling, and procedures such as radiofrequency rhizotomy – a technique that uses heat to disrupt pain signals between the nerves and the brain.
To contact us at American Pain Consortium for help with facet syndrome or spondylosis in Indianapolis or Columbus, please contact us online.